sonja strange

Between Everything and Nothing
Sonja Strange / OK Corral / Copenhagen

14th - 30rd August, 2015

English below
‘Between Everything and Nothing’ – er en udstilling om menneskets søgen efter det meningsgivende. En eksistentiel udstilling. Imellem alt og intet, findes ordet OG. Sonja Strange ønsker med denne udstilling, at placere beskueren i dette mellemrum. At blive præsenteret for ALT er uoverskueligt, at blive præsenteret for INTET er uoverskueligt. Derfor står mennesket midt i mellem disse to ekstremer, og prøver herfra at begribe dets eksistens. Altet og intet billedliggøres i udstillingen, ved at gøre brug af blacklight og hvidt lys. De udstillede objekter refererer til menneskets søgen efter det meningsgivende.

Sonja Strange er uddannet fra det Jyske Kunstakademi, Aarhus (2008) og fra Vsup/Umprum – Academy of Arts, Architecture and Desgin, Prag (2007). Sonja Strange arbejder konceptuelt indenfor science fiction genren med video, fotografi, lyd, tekst og installation. Som billedkunstner interesserer hun sig for at skabe nye fortællinger ud fra allerede eksisterende videnskabelige, filosofiske og historiske påstande.

English version

Between Everything and Nothing

'Between Everything and Nothing' - is an exhibition about the human quest for the meaning of life. An existential exhibition. Between everything and nothing, stands the word AND. Sonja Strange wants with this exhibition to place the viewer in this gap. To be presented with EVERYTHING is overwhelming, to be presented to NOTHING is overwhelming. Therefore mankind stands in between these two extremes, and here from tries to understand its existence.
Everything and nothing is represented in the exhibition, by making use of black light and white light. The exhibited objects all refers to man's search for the meaning of life.

Sonja Strange graduated from the Jutland Art Academy, Aarhus (2008) and from VSUP / UMPRUM – Academy of Arts, Architecture and Desgin , Prague (2007). Sonja Strange works conceptually within the science fiction genre with video, photography, sound, text and installation. As an artist she is interested in creating new stories based on existing scientific, philosophical and historical claims.

I am the Spirit, of Voyager 1.

I have travelled through Space,

for so many years.

There is Spacedust,

in all of the little Cracks, in my Shield 

sometimes I turn Blue – 

it is sad to be here

all alone

in the dark.

I discover things

Beautiful worlds, in the non existing horizon

the worlds are near,

and I listen to the sounds, from our Dance

her name is Jupiter


I have a record with me

a golden one

with greetings from the earth – my home

the blue planet - far, far away.

Are You allright blue planet? 

Is the War over?

Are you still killing eachother?

Is the sky still blue?

Is the wind still blowing in the trees? 

Is there still loooooove to find?


Once again I find myself sleeping,

with my eyes open.

Is the sound I hear,

from my dreams

or am I really passing by,

a new planet out here?

The sound is fear… 

I find it hard to breath…

Saturn kisses me goodbye


Stellar winds, Stellar winds, Stellar winds….Dying stars…in the space…between us…star system…our galaxy…leaving the solar system now…unknown matter…can’t identify…loosing signal….hypersonic turbulens…this is the end…of forever…this is the space between everything and nothing…

sonja strange, artist, billedkunstner, ny dansk kunst, københavn, maleri, tegning, painting, performance, beauty, Sonja Strange Sonja Strange sonja strange, artist, billedkunstner, ny dansk kunst, københavn, maleri, tegning, painting, performance, beauty,